35 | Anniversary special | Pam Moore on the other side of the mic: "Shoulds are just limits"

In honor of Real Fit's one-year anniversary, my husband, Dan, is asking me the questions this time! It's fun, you'll like it. 

We discuss...

  • My extreme nearsightedness and how that may have (read: definitely) contributed to my inability ever catch a ball and why I hated sports as a kid

  • What motivates my pathological competitiveness

  • My most memorable race experiences

  • How intuitive eating changed my life

  • How I got into podcasting

  • What I've learned from podcasting

Blog post about worm bin discovery
Blog post about how we met in a bar
The book Dan wrote while I was out of town
The book Dan self-published for me- of which I was the author
YouTube video of the big reveal of the book Dan self-published for me as a surprise
Jenni Skyler interview
Blog post about sprint tri when my shifter broke
Why I used a flip phone for a year
Blog post about the time I camped for a wedding and got lost in a huge lake

If you enjoyed this episode, please consider buying me a cup of coffee

Are you tired of all the diet culture and hustle culture messages telling you you're not enough? Same. Want to help me spread the message that you are already enough? Become a Patreon supporter.

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Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications?
They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off.

Let’s Connect
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pammoorewriter/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pammoore303/
Twitter: https://https://twitter.com/PamMooreWriter/


36| Leah Jantzen, Ironman triathlete, life coach, and mom of four: “Be bright, be bold and be brave.”


Mother's Day Bonus Episode: We are their sunshine