Mother's Day Bonus Episode: We are their sunshine

Coming to you this Mother's Day with something that has nothing to do with the usual themes  (ie women, sports, body image, enoughness). We'll return to our regularly scheduled program next time. For now, enjoy my reflections on motherhood this Mother's day.

In a nutshell, this sh*t is hard. If you're right here with me and you agree that you need a whole hell of a lot more than brunch, a card and some flowers to acknowledge what a mindf*ck it is to be a parent, I see you.

*This episode includes the word "mama" zero times.

Coming to you this Mother's Day with something that has nothing to do with the usual themes  (ie women, sports, body image, enoughness). We'll return to our regularly scheduled program next time. For now, enjoy my reflections on motherhood this Mother's day.

In a nutshell, this sh*t is hard. If you're right here with me and you agree that you need a whole hell of a lot more than brunch, a card and some flowers to acknowledge what a mindf*ck it is to be a parent, I see you.**

**This episode includes the word "mama" zero times.

Last year's Mother's Day bonus episode on mom rage

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35 | Anniversary special | Pam Moore on the other side of the mic: "Shoulds are just limits"


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