Real Fit Podcast: Ep 46| Jill Angie, fat running coach and author: "I'm okay with people being wrong about me."

Jill Angie is a running coach who helps fat women start running, build body confidence, and embrace their inner athletes. She’s also the host of the Not Your Average Runner podcast and author of three books on running while fat.

In this interview, Jill talks about why she started running in secret, what body acceptance looks like for her, how she manages the barriers that come with navigating fitness spaces in a larger body, leaving the pharmaceutical industry to start a run coaching business for fat women over 40, and sooo much more. 

Connect with Jill

In this episode, we cover:

  • Whether using euphemisms for the word fat are a form of anti-fat bias

  • The roots of Jill’s body dysmorphia

  • Why she only went out after dark when she started running

  • What it took to make a major career change from the pharmaceutical industry to becoming a running coach and author (and where self-doubt still shows up).

  • Jill’s body acceptance journey

  • How a cute dog video helped to change Jill’s relationship with her body

  • The reason Jill didn’t get to the start line the first time she signed up for the Philadelphia half marathon 

  • Why Jill is creating her own race and what makes it unique 

  • Dealing with internet trolls - how she responds, why it matters, and when she just hits “delete.”

  • What it took to complete the Philly marathon on her second attempt

  • The similarities between running and writing 

  • How accomplishing big goals changes your self-concept

  • Navigating barriers (both physical and societal) in the fitness world in a bigger body

  • Learning to speak up for herself

  • Why menopause might not be the hellfire we’ve been told it is

  • How the struggle with “enoughness’ shows up for Jill 

  • Investing in a branding expert and why she changed the name of her business 


Not Your Average Runner book by Jill Angie

Not Your Average 5k book by Jill Angie

Not Your Average Half Marathon book by Jill Angie

Mandy Patinkin dog/infant IG video

Jill Angie’s interview with Jen Madden on the Not Your Average Runner podcast 

SELF article where I quoted Jill on navigating fitness world in larger body

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